Weekend minggu lalu, saya dan suami diundang dinner di rumah salah satu teman baik kami. A dinner that we looked forward to as it’s been a while we met this friend. Tidak ingin datang dengan tangan kosong, kami memutuskan untuk membawa homemade dessert. Keputusan yang mungkin sedikit ambisius karena bisa dihitung dengan jari kami berdua membuat dessert sendiri. But in good cookbook we trust! Kami memilih satu resep yang sebelumnya sudah pernah kami buat. We were confident the dessert will turn out good.

It’s time to make the dessert. We had no issue following the recipe and it went into the oven for 35 minutes. Saya kemudian titip pesan ke suami untuk tolong lihat apakah setelah 35 menit dessertnya sudah ready. Kalau masih belum terlalu ‘golden brown’, tolong place under grill for a minute or two. Okay siap kata pak suami! Trusted my husband, lalu saya pun mulai bersiap untuk acara dinner kami.

35 minutes ++ later, I smelled something burnt coming from the kitchen. Perasaan sudah gak enak dan betul saja begitu saya melangkah ke kitchen, there I found my husband with a guilty face. Saya tanya ada apa? Dia bilang: sorry I burnt the dessert, I placed it under grill for 6 minutes, instead of a minute or two. Omg say what??!! Saat itu keadaannya sudah tinggal 30 menit menuju dinner. We left with no choice, we said goodbye to our homemade dessert and rushed to the near cake shop. Hello stored-bought dessert! Problem solved. It’s not ideal, it’s not what we planned but hey at least we had something to bring to the dinner. 

Kalau ditanya apa perasaan saya dari kejadian dessert gosong ini, surprisingly saya gak kesel atau marah sama suami. Saya cuma bisa tertawa miris melihat dessert yang saat masuk ke oven begitu smooth and silky, keluar-keluar kok hitam legam. Dan lebih ke arah ‘amazed’ sama suami, dititip pesan 1-2 menit saja di grill kenapa jadi 6 menit. Tiga kali lipat! Fix suami saya gak cocok main Chinese Whisper karena pasti kalah :p

On a serious note, I thanked the Holy Spirit for keeping me calm and collected at that time. I am normally impatient. I am impulsive, I am quick to react. James 1:19 said “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” Being slow to anger means we choose to be obedient to God, instead of our flesh. It means we let the Spirit govern our reactions. And when the Spirit is in control, He produced a good fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Patience is a tough skill to master. Let alone patience with other people, with their demands and their failings, but simply remember how incredibly patient God is with us. He has unlimited patience as we stumble, fall, and do our best to grow as Christians. God is patient with us so we need to be patient with each other. Impatience leads to unnecessary stress, worry, and conflict. In my case, I believe the burnt dessert is not worth any conflict. My marriage, my relationship with my husband is way more precious and valuable (AS)



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