Last night, I had planned to wake up at 5 AM this morning, with the intention of getting some work done before attending to the kids. My goal was to be fully prepared for work by 6:30 AM, wake the kids by 6:50 AM, and leave for work by 7 AM. However, reality had different plans. Around 3 AM, the kids woke up upset and needing attention, which disrupted my schedule. I couldn’t get up at 5 AM, and we ended up running late as we left home.

As parents, we are well aware that unexpected events occur more frequently than we anticipate. Despite our many expectations, reality often follows its own path. This isn’t limited to parenting alone; whether single or with family responsibilities, we frequently encounter situations that deviate from our plans, be it daily activities, study, or work. When things don’t go as planned, it’s common to talk to God about it. But if this keeps happening and we are always complaining, maybe we should consider if our expectations match what’s really happening and start adjusting them to fit reality.

What if, rather than fighting against it, we embraced the unpredictability and tweaked our expectations to harmonise with reality? Could this simple shift in mindset help us complain less to God? 

St. Augustine has a famous saying that goes, ‘Work as though everything depended on us, and pray as though everything depended on God.‘ By placing these two sayings side by side, it implies that both aspects hold equal significance; one is not less important than the other.

Let’s open our hearts to embrace reality and understand that when we adjust our expectations to match it, we’re less likely to complain to God. Ultimately, it’s about placing our trust in God while acknowledging that He holds ultimate control. (LA)



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