Ayb 38:1, 8-11 | 2 Kor 5:14-17 | Mrk 4:35-40


Often God calls us to the deeper waters…
Ke tempat yang lebih dalam, tidak hanya di permukaan.
Markus 4:35 – Yesus berkata kepada mereka: “Marilah kita bertolak ke seberang.”
To apply for more challenging job, to take on new ministries, to quit the job and go back to study life, to sell your current business and open something else instead, to send your children to that school, etc.
Basically, to do something that needs leap of faith, to do something that requires us to leave our comfort zone. Markus 4:36 – to leave the crowds behind. Mereka meninggalkan orang banyak itu lalu bertolak.

We answered God’s calling dan ternyata jalannya gak semudah yang kita bayangkan…
Markus 4:37 – a fierce storm comes up. Lalu mengamuklah taufan yang sangat dahsyat.
Walaupun kita sudah mengambil that leap of faith action, badai akan selalu ada. Gak peduli kita tiap hari rajin berdoa/baca firman/pelayanan/Ekaristi, badai akan selalu ada dalam hidup. Badai yang membuat kita panik/takut/khawatir/overwhelmed.
Most of the disciples are fishermen, a skilful fisherman. It is what they do for living. So technically they should be more prepared when the storm comes dan gak kaget lagi. But yet they are still panicking. Why? Because there are a lot of things that happened beyond our control. Sickness, disaster, unemployment, etc.

And sometimes the storm lasts for quite a while and get bigger, get worse…
Markus 4:37 – Ombak menyembur masuk ke dalam perahu, sehingga perahu itu mulai penuh dengan air.
We thought as time goes by, the job would be easier, the people we serve would be better and nicer, the new business would be more profitable, our kids would behave better at the new school, but nope. The storm seems to grow larger and larger.
The most “annoying” or uncomfortable part: Jesus seems to be silent in the midst of our storm.
Markus 4:38 – Jesus was at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion, SLEEPING. Pada waktu itu Yesus sedang tidur di buritan di sebuah tilam.
We must have been in the disciples’ position. Dimana kita merasa badai lagi kenceng-kencengnya and God remains silent. Dimana kita merasa kita fight our battle alone, Tuhan gak menjawab doa dan seperti gak peduli kalau kita binasa. Markus 4:38 “Guru, Engkau tidak perduli kalau kita binasa?”

So what to do in this situation?

First thing first: Take Jesus into our boat.
Why? Because He would be our Anchor.
Markus 4:36 – Mereka meninggalkan orang banyak itu lalu bertolak dan membawa Yesus beserta dengan mereka.
Take Jesus to our work, to our business, to our marriage, to our study, to our relationship. Take Jesus in all you do. Do not go anywhere and leave Him on the shore.

When the situation is getting dark, keep calm and trust in God. He is the God of all knowing and He is a faithful God.
God is the one who told us to “bertolak ke seberang” so He must know what lies ahead. He knows the storm is coming.
Every storm in our life God knows and didn’t caught Him by surprise. He knows our past, present, and future.
God was sleeping on the boat, He remains calm, because He knows His heavenly Father will take care of Him. He can rest assured in His Father’s protection.

The Anchor (God) doesn’t excuse the storm but He sustains us in the middle of the storm. Through the rain, He remains our anchor.
Markus 4:36 – Kita membawa Yesus di dalam perahu kita. Masa iya Dia gak peduli dan membiarkan kita tenggelam? Dia yang mengajak kita bertolak ke seberang dan rancanganNya gak pernah rancangan kecelakaan.

Experiencing storm will stretch our faith and shape our character.
Badai hidup membentuk kita jadi orang yang rendah hati karena kita jadi sadar kita tidak dapat mengandalkan kekuatan sendiri. Hanya Bersama Tuhan kita mampu.
Ayub 38:11 – Gelombang-gelombang yang congkak akan dihentikan.
When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person that walked in. Your faith will grow, your endurance will grow, your character will grow.

Every storm has an expiration date, badai pasti berlalu…

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

God bless everyone 😊


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